Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Families are destroyed

The Canadians are presently in Afghanistan, leading a battle against the Taliban. People are killed every day because of this fight. The US/NATO forces do not stop killing innocent civilians. The troops claim to help Afghanistan’s general situation, but sources say that the Taliban are responsible for sixty-eight percent of the deaths while the Canadian and Us contingents have been blamed for twenty three percent. In May 2006, over 150 civilians died because of air strikers. In the same year, two hundred civilians were found dead because of one of our bombs. The US/NATO forces argues that in this mission, they were going to protect and help the Afghan people. If they really wanted to help and make Afghanistan a better country, they wouldn’t be taking away harmless peoples’ lives. Another incident occurred on October 18th 2006. Helicopters belonging to NATO were flying around the village of Ashogo in Kandahar, firing on houses. The firing killed thirteen civilians and it seems that in the attack, only one of the thirteen killed was a Taliban insurgent and that originally, in the village, there were no Taliban residing there. You call of this help, peace, security, equality? Homes and Afghan families are destroyed, but they are not the only ones. Canadian soldiers also die every day. Canadian families are devastated and torn apart. The soldiers risk their lives every single day, for a hopeless battle that is bringing no positive results and that our country should not be fighting. This is why I am against the Canadian involvement in Afghanistan.

 - Cassandra

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